GREEN CA brings together organizations and independent experts from Central Asia, whose activities affect various areas of interaction between the economy and the environment. The mission of the network is to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources by bringing together experts and using their knowledge to implement the ideas of a green economy and low-carbon development in Central Asia.
The GREEN CA network offers such services as interdisciplinary research, implementation of practical actions that contribute to solving problems such as adaptation to climate change, sustainable use of natural resources and energy, conservation of biodiversity and natural ecosystems, as well as access to a database of experts and expert organizations.
From April 11 to April 13, 2023, a regional meeting of the Network members was held in Tashkent, which was also attended by recently joined members, such as Neksigol Mushovir. The meeting discussed the network development strategy, opportunities to strengthen the network’s participation in regional cooperation, and identified key topics on which GREEN CA will generate its expert opinion and present to the public: (1) Nuclear Power, (2) Climate Change, (3) Water Resources, (4) Land Use, (5) Economics of Land Degradation, (6) EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment), (7) Disaster Risk Assessment and ( 8) Public participation in making environmentally significant decisions (public councils under government agencies).
In this video, you can watch a short reportage from a group work presentation on a potential GREEN CA service for financial institutions:
More information about the about the GREEN CA can be found here.