CANDY IV — specialised & integrated services for export-oriented food processing SMEs

The farmer cooperative “Mevahoi Firdavs” (Eden Fruits) was established. Its members are 32 dehkan Farms consisting of 148 farmers, including 83 women. In 2019, farmers from Eden Fruits exported their first piloted batch to European countries (Germany and Italy). Isfara Food LLC — a dried fruit processing company engaged in the value chain, assisted farmers to prepare products for export to European countries, including the right sorting, cleaning, calibration, and packaging, according to the requirements of European buyers. Annually, cooperative members produce about 300 tons of organic dried apricots.


Use case

Supply chain management


Hilfswerk International / EC

Focus Area

The project’s overall objective is to contribute substantially to promoting the growth and expansion of export-oriented SMEs, thus fostering the integration of CA countries into the global economy and trade system.

  1. Strengthen the institutional, organizational and technical capacity of Business Intermediary Organizations (BIOs) to provide comprehensive and demand-driven services to export-oriented SMEs

  2. Enhance the capacity of BIOs to analyse international demands and consult on international standards

  3. Establish three agricultural value-added chains in TJ and KG with BIOs’ support and input

  4. Establish State Support Programme for food processing SMEs in KG with BIOs’ support and input

  5. Launch a National Platform between private sector and state authorities in TJK with BIOs’ support and input

  6. Set up pilot scientific-entrepreneurial councils in KG and TJ

  7. Establish a Network of BIOs from Central Asia and the European Union


December 15, 2016 – December 31, 2019


Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan


Farmers and other agricultural producers, agricultural input suppliers, agricultural processing enterprises, consolidators, retailers, exporters, Business Intermediary Organizations (BIOs), Agricultural Extension Services (AESs), Financial institutions, relevant government agencies


Project Leader: Hilfswerk International

Tajikistan: ASTI, NASMB, QMC

Kyrgyzstan: TES Centre, AFVE , Agrolead

Key activities implemented by Neksigol Mushovir

  • Facilitation of the founding process of a farmer cooperative in Northern Tajikistan. During the mobilization process, several trainings about the legal base of cooperatives, teambuilding, and leadership were provided to the potential cooperatives’ members

  • Practical trainings for farmer cooperatives and processing companies were conducted on Organic Production and Fairtrade standards

  • Establishment of a system of quality control and a food safety system for the cooperative and 2 processing SMEs. Fairtrade principles were introduced in the farmer cooperative

  • Facilitation of the Organic and Fairtrade certifications of the cooperative

  • Two guidelines with specific and binding requirements about Organic and Fairtrade standards for the farmer cooperative were elaborated. These documents set up the rules of production, post-harvest management and processing methods and practice for cooperative members