FFS on effective and productive irrigation water use methods

  • Training modules on water-saving irrigation methods and improving water-physical properties of soil were elaborated and passed to Sughd Oblast Irrigation Training Centre

  • Established Farmer Field Schools disseminate best practices for efficient use of irrigation technologies among members of 29 WUAs

  • The volume of irrigation water used by farms has been reduced by 20%, payment for irrigation water has been reduced by 20% because of applied water-saving irrigation technologies demonstrated through 29 FFS



Use case

Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services | Sustainable farming



Focus Area

The objective of this sub-project is to disseminate knowledge and effective methods of productive water management through the Farmer Field Schools


September 1, 2016 – August 31, 2018


Three districts of the Sughd region: B. Ghafurov, J. Rasulov and Spitamen


Smallholder farmers – members of the project targeted WUAs


Key activities | achievements

  • Conduction of a rapid assessment of best practices for efficient use of irrigation technologies

  • Establishment of demonstration plots on simple and affordable water-saving technologies such as short furrow irrigation, drip irrigation systems, mulching, etc.

  • Development of the training module on water-saving irrigation methods and improving water-physical properties of soil

  • Elaboration, publication and distribution of brochures highlighting key aspects of annual irrigation and agricultural cycles, reflecting the local conditions for applying best irrigation practices

  • Establishment of 29 Farmer Field Schools and training of trainers on water-saving irrigation methods

  • Providing technical assistance to the Trainers in conducting practical sessions in FFS