Information dissemination about farmers’ land-use rights

The Newspaper on Land Reform is published within the framework of the Feed the Future Tajikistan Land Market Development Activity. The goal of the project is to capitalize on the next wave of land reforms in Tajikistan by addressing gaps in knowledge and technical barriers to the development of a market in land-use rights. The objective of the publication of the Newspaper on Land Reform is to inform the rural population and local authorities about the land reform process and farmers’ land-use rights in order to foster greater transparency in land administration, leading to more effective use of land, which shall stimulate increased farm income and strengthen economic development in the agricultural sector



Use case

Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services


Chemonics / USAID

Focus Area

Publication and distribution of a monthly Newspaper on Land Reform


April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2020


Twelve districts of Khatlon Province: A. Jomi, Shahrituz, Dusti, Jaloliddini Balhi, Qubodiyon, Levakant, Yovon, Khuroson, Jayhun, Kushoniyon, Vakhsh, Nosiri Khusrav


Farmers, rural residents, local government officials, women, and youth


Key activities | achievements

  • 72 issues of monthly newspaper (four double-sided A3 pages in the Tajik language with a print run of 5,000 copies) on land reform were produced, published and circulated among stakeholders

  • To raise awareness among the target population, the newspaper was focused on issues of promoting market-based principles for land tenure and establishing a functioning agricultural land market

  • To analyse the influence of the newspaper, a survey was conducted among readers. All respondents positively assessed the impact of the newspaper and pointed out that people speak very well of the newspaper in their districts. Most of them noted that information published in the newspaper was useful for them and is easy to understand. The survey revealed dozens of success stories on how the newspaper helped farmers to solve their land challenges